

De pocinha em pocinha aqui vou eu...

segunda-feira, março 27

Um pequeno momento, mas ... Supremo

São imensas as coisas que se aprende durante uma aula de Literatura Inglesa Contemporânea, entre elas novas vozes, que nos relembram de como um pequeno momento pode ser simplesmente supremo...

That hot September night, we slept in a single bed,
naked, and on our frail bodies the sweat cooled and renewed itself.
I reached out my arms and you, hands on my breasts, kissed me. Evening of amber.

Our nightgowns lay on the floor where you fell to your knees
and became ferocious, pressed your head to my stomach,
your mouth to the red gold, the pink shadows; except
I did not see it like this at the time, but arched

my back and squeezed water from the sultry air
with my fists. Also I remembered hearing, clearly
but distantly, a siren some streets away —
de da de da de da — which mingled with my own
absurd cries, so that I looked up, even then, to see my fingers counting themselves, dancing.

Carol Ann Duffy

Penso que apenas uma mulher poderia descrever tão bem um momento que só a si pertence!!!