

De pocinha em pocinha aqui vou eu...

sexta-feira, março 31

What am I??!!

All my life I've questioned myself about what is my purpose in life...
I remember writing a lot about it as a teenager... I wrote millions of words trying to understand which was my role in this stage of life... Obviously, I never got to any conclusion... there were so many questions to which I never found the answer...
I suppose I was waiting for the future, waiting that it bring me all the answers I was looking for!
Now... that I'm older I realise that the answers were never found...

My days are spent working, studying, laughing and in a certain way, loving... but the questions "What is my name? Where am I coming from? Where am I going?" are a complete "fusillade of question-marks."(Ciaran Carson), to which I'm not able to find the answer.
Sometimes I feel like a child who is always asking about the world around her, trying to understand the reasons why...


At março 31, 2006 8:39 da tarde, Blogger Buttafly...fly...fly... said...

É como dizias há dias, miga... Com toda esta aplicação prática das aulitas da PG é impossível não tirarmos 20 nos seminários de Cultura e Literatura... Daqui a 3 meses we'll see. (if not, já serviu de qualquer coisa queimar as pestanas a ler aqueles kilómetros infindáveis de palavras cheias de coisas lá dentro...) E, dizendo isto, o Deus David deu a conhecer ao seu rebanho o fenómeno BLOG - "Crescei e multiplicai-vos..."


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